Event Summary: Is there a Bamboo ceiling in the profession, academia and the judiciary?

On Monday night, NZ Asian Lawyers was wowed by the amazingly challenging, and insightful viewpoint from Dean of Law at Oxford University Professor Mindy Chen-Wishart’s address at Russell McVeagh, on ‘Is there a Bamboo ceiling in the profession, academia and the judiciary?’ The short answer to this question is: it has gotten better, but there is still a bamboo ceiling.…


Amicus Curiae: First Wānanga

The latest issue of Amicus Curiae has been published and includes the special section, “Tikanga as the First Law of New Zealand Law: the need for a system-wide cognitive shift | Ko te tikanga Māori te mana tuatahi o Aotearoa: me tōrua marire te au whakaaro o te pūnaha ture nui tonu” . To read the special section, please click here: https://journals.sas.ac.uk/amicus The…
