Young Lawyers Committee:  Wellington panel speaker event “Asian Experiences in the Legal Profession”

The New Zealand Asian Lawyers – Young Lawyers Committee is proud to present their first Wellington panel speaker event, “Asian Experiences in the Legal Profession”.   Hosted by Buddle Findlay, NZ Asian Lawyers introduces a diverse panel, comprising of Ministry for Primary Industries’ Jaini Patel, Crown Law’s Anna Ou, and Buddle Findlay’s Delia Fu, who will each speak…

Second Wānanga on Tikanga and the Law Presentations

On Wednesday 7 June 2023, the New Zealand Asian Lawyers ran a second wānanga on “Tikanga and the Law”. It was an extraordinary combination of different expertise, experiences and viewpoints. The combination was very successful in helping to work through the difficult issues that tikanga and the law can raise, as well as providing insights into the…

Wānanga on Tikanga and the Law Presentations

On Wednesday 3 May 2023, the New Zealand Asian Lawyers hosted a wānanga on “Tikanga and the Law” with the support of the Ngā Ahorangi Motuhake o te Ture / New Zealand Bar Association, at Buddle Findlay. There was an overwhelming attendance at the event, with 80 people attending in-person and 360 online. The reason for the wānanga…

Event Summary: Deng v Zheng Seminar

On 2 August 2022, the Honourable Justice Goddard, Mai Chen, Jacque Lethbridge and Paul Radich QC presented a seminar on the Supreme Court decision in Deng v Zheng: Guidance on bringing relevant social cultural information to the Court’s attention. This in-person and online event in Wellington had over 350 attendees. This event was run in conjunction with…