Ishwari was originally born in Sri Lanka but moved to New Zealand as a child. She graduated from the University of Auckland with a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Commerce. She has been a barrister sole since 2010 and practices in South Auckland.

Her trial work is varied in nature and includes single/multiple defendant homicides, multi-accused Police operations, sexual offending, assaults of varying degrees, fraud matters and cases that are governed by the Criminal Procedure Mental Impaired Persons Act.

Ishwari is a legal Aid PAL 4 provider, and is on the Duty Lawyer, PDLA and Amicus Panel for Manukau District Court. She is a member of the NZBA, ADLS, AWLA, South Auckland Bar Association, IBA and CLA. Ishwari sits on both the NZBA and ADLS criminal committees. She is on the executive committee of the SABA. She has been a member of working groups including the Auckland Custody Project implemented at eh Auckland District Court and the Remote Participation National Court to Court Custody Operating Model in September 2018.