Gehan Gunasekara is an Associate Professor and is Deputy Head of the Department of Commercial Law at the University of Auckland Business School. He specialises in the areas of franchising law and privacy law. He has published many articles on both information privacy and franchising in New Zealand and overseas and is a regular commentator in national media.His privacy research has been cited internationally, including by the Canadian Privacy Commissioner and by the Australian Law Reform Commission. He served as a member of the academic reference committee for the Review of Privacy by the New Zealand Law Commission and has subsequently played a role in advising the Government on reform of the Privacy Act 1993.

He is the former Chair of the Privacy Foundation New Zealand Inc., a not for profit organisation that helps protect New Zealanders’ privacy rights, through research and education and through highlighting privacy risks in all forms of law, technology and practice, and campaigning for practical and fair solutions. Gehan remains on its Committee as well as being Convenor of its Surveillance Working Group.