Mingze Sun Joins Criminal Law Committee

Karun Lakshmnan, the Chair of our Criminal Law Committee, welcomes Mingze Sun into the Committee. Mingze is a commercial litigator at Morrison Partners and an academic at the Auckland Law School where he is a doctoral candidate and was the Lead Tutor for the Law of Torts and Equity, as well as tutoring various papers including Public Law, Criminal…

Event Summary: Litigation Committee | Litigation Masterclass: Pleadings

On the 5th of October, 2023, the NZ Asian Lawyers Litigation Committee hosted their first session in the Litigation Masterclass series on pleadings at the Shortland & Fort Centre, sponsored by Tompkins Wake. Expert panellists Brent O’ Callahan and Linda Hui took the audience through a myriad of practical do’s and don’ts, insightful anecdotes, and deep dives on difficult components of drafting…

Event Summary: Women Lawyers Committee | Practical Tips on Career-Planning, Pay Negotiations & Reviews

The NZ Asian Women Lawyer’s Committee held the Practical Tips Panel on 20 September 2023. The panel discussion had three speakers: Anand Ranchod (recruiter), Jo Stevenson (People and Culture Director at Simpson Grierson) and Jo Pidgeon (director of Pidgeon Judd). The event chairperson was Catharina Chung, Senior Associate of Tompkins Wake Lawyers. Thank you to Tompkins Wake for generously sponsoring this event. Our attendees enjoyed…

Event Summary: Is there a Bamboo ceiling in the profession, academia and the judiciary?

On Monday night, NZ Asian Lawyers was wowed by the amazingly challenging, and insightful viewpoint from Dean of Law at Oxford University Professor Mindy Chen-Wishart’s address at Russell McVeagh, on ‘Is there a Bamboo ceiling in the profession, academia and the judiciary?’ The short answer to this question is: it has gotten better, but there is still a bamboo ceiling.…

Second Wānanga on Tikanga and the Law Presentations

On Wednesday 7 June 2023, the New Zealand Asian Lawyers ran a second wānanga on “Tikanga and the Law”. It was an extraordinary combination of different expertise, experiences and viewpoints. The combination was very successful in helping to work through the difficult issues that tikanga and the law can raise, as well as providing insights into the…

Amicus Curiae: First Wānanga

The latest issue of Amicus Curiae has been published and includes the special section, “Tikanga as the First Law of New Zealand Law: the need for a system-wide cognitive shift | Ko te tikanga Māori te mana tuatahi o Aotearoa: me tōrua marire te au whakaaro o te pūnaha ture nui tonu” . To read the special section, please click here: https://journals.sas.ac.uk/amicus The…