Become a member!

The benefits of being a NZ Asian Lawyer member include, inter alia:

  • Free access to all mail-outs and events for free, including the end-of-year Christmas party
  • Discount for New Zealand Bar Association events
  • Eligibility for the mentoring scheme and also to be nominated and voted onto the Board and Board committees
  • Your profile on our website – this will let everyone in the profession and potential clients know of your expertise and experience.


Membership fee

  • Practising lawyers more than 5 years PQE $100
  • Practising lawyers less than 5 years PQE $50
  • Non-practising lawyers (e.g. academics, graduates without a practising certificate, and any person who has a law degree) $75
  • For a small firm (around 2-3 partners), $300
    For a medium sized firm$750
    For large firms with over 10 partners, $1500
  • There is no fee for students, judges and NZ Asian Lawyers’ Board members who donate their time to running this organisation

NZ Asian Lawyers is a pro-bono organisation, so your membership and membership fees are both essential for our organisation to continue with its work and future events. As we move to stand on our own, it is vital that every member makes a contribution.