Property Litigation Update — 20 June 2024

Lane Neave kindly hosted a full house of around 50 people at NZ Asian Lawyers’ Property Litigation Update in Auckland last Thursday evening. Thank you to our speakers and chair (pictured in order L to R) Mat Martin, Suzanne Robertson KC, Helen Chung and David Liu, who engaged the audience in some lively back-and-forth on…

Young Lawyers Committee: Annual Meeting (online)

The Young Lawyers Committee is holding its annual meeting online on 25th June, 7pm. We are seeking enthusiastic committee members in Auckland and Wellington. More information and the sign-up form can be found here:   If you can’t attend the meeting, please email with your expression of interest. Please share this with anyone…

NZ Asian Lawyers Board election in mid-2024

New Zealand Asian Lawyers will hold board elections in mid-2024. There are several vacancies on the board for lawyers of Asian descent who are keen to advance what we do and make a difference in the legal profession as a whole. We are looking for talented and motivated individuals working across the profession, including those…