On the 5th of October, 2023, the NZ Asian Lawyers Litigation Committee hosted their first session in the Litigation Masterclass series on pleadings at the Shortland & Fort Centre, sponsored by Tompkins Wake.
Expert panellists Brent O’ Callahan and Linda Hui took the audience through a myriad of practical do’s and don’ts, insightful anecdotes, and deep dives on difficult components of drafting and responding to pleadings. There was also a thoughtful discussion on the nuances of pleadings for or against parties with a culturally diverse background and where the source documents exist in a different language. Regardless of their background, a comprehension chasm often exists between a client’s understanding of their case and the technical rigour required for their lawyer to plead it properly.
Thanks to Tompkins Wake for their generous sponsorship of this event, the panellists who produced engaging and quality content, Leo Huang for chairing their joint presentation, and Yvonne Mortimer-Wang for putting it all together.
Keep your eyes out for more from the Litigation Masterclass series.
To see a live recording of this event, please click here.
Please see NZAL Masterclass on Pleadings – Linda’s outline final for an outline by Linda Hui of the key takeaways.