Unlock Your Career Potential Beyond Law School
Join us for an inspiring panel speaker event hosted and sponsored by Russell McVeagh, and presented by the NZ Asian Lawyers Young Lawyers Committee. This event features a diverse group of profesisonals who have charted unique paths beyond the traditional courtroom, highlighting the wide range of career opportunities available to law graduates.
Whether you are interested in conventional legal practice, exploring alternative legal roles, or venturing into non-legal industries, this event offers invaluable insights from experienced professionals across various sectors. You will gain practical advice on navigating your career and discover how to leverage your legal education in different fields.
Don’t miss this opportunity to broaden your horizons and connect with fellow law students, emerging lawyers and professionals up to 7PQE.
Meet Our Panellists:
Anita Chung (she/her) (Senior Consultant, EY New Zealand) brings over two years of experience at EY, where she started as a Consultant in 2022. She graduated with a Bachelor of Health Sciences and Bachelor of Laws conjoint degrees from the University of Auckland. She previously worked at a boutique employment law firm in Auckand.
Harshaa Prasad (she/her) (Crown Prosecutor, Luke Cunningham Clere) began her legal career as a graduate in 2022. As a Criminal Prosecutor, she handles Crown and warrant cases and has appeared in court for profesisonal disciplinary and regulatory prosecutions. Harshaa has also completed secondments at the Wellington Police Prosecution Service and the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Nathan Tse (he/him) (Banking & Finance Senior Solicitor, Russell McVeagh) co-chairs Russell McVeagh’s D&I Ethnicity Committee and has held various leadership roles, including President of VUW’s Asian Law Students’ Association (2018), President of VUWLSS (2019) and President of NZLSA (2020). Outside of work, Nathan competes at a national level in harriers and athletics, most recently winning the Taupō marathon in August.
Seize this chance to be inspired and informed by professionals who have successfully navigated diverse career paths. Be equipped to forge your own unique journey after law school.
Register here – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/from-courtrooms-to-boardrooms-law-careers-uncovered-tickets-1008019071177?aff=oddtdtcreator