On Thursday night, 9 February 2023, the Asian Women Lawyers Committee of NZ Asian Lawyers led by Karen Ngan held its inaugural Women in Law panel discussion at Simpson Grierson. Mai Chen (President of NZ Asian Lawyers welcomed the attendees to the first event in her life where Asian women lawyers were the overwhelming majority and talked about the unique contribution we had to make and the intersectional double disadvantage we sometimes experience in the law. She and Karen encouraged all to support and prefer one another where possible given these challenges.
This was followed by an engaging and insightful conversation between the panellists Seil Kimberley (criminal defence and prosecution), Lucy Luo (tech and start-ups, including First AML) and Lyn Lim (from partnership to governance), facilitated by Kitty Lin as moderator. The event received hugely positive feedback, from the topics covered (including therapeutic jurisprudence, working with start-ups, board and governance, as well as more personal experiences that were shared honestly and openly by each speaker from mentoring, quitting law, fear of failures and relationship-building through “networking”) to the structure and venue of the event.
There was great energy in the room and the sense that the event, and what the speakers shared, really resonated with people in the room. It sparked discussions that continued long after the panel session had formally ended. The event provided the opportunity for real connections to be formed, and highlighted the need for more interaction, support, and a general presence of Asian Women lawyers in the field especially for younger students and junior lawyers. This will undoubtedly be reinforced in future events to come.
The committee, which includes Nova Huang aka event photographer, Alice Kim, Catharina Chung, Celina Chang, Christina Lee, Karen Ngan, Kitty Lin, Sarah Lee, Seil Kimberley, Susan Hur and Tina Hwang, is both pleased to have attendees volunteer to join the committee, and grateful for all the support and contribution that made the event successful, including from New Zealand Asian Lawyers and the team at Simpson Grierson.
Thanks to Karen, New Zealand Asian Lawyers board member, Yvonne Mortimer-Wang who attended in support, and to the current members of the Asian Women Lawyers subcommittee.